

Composit is supplying products to various countries and cities around the world.

In March, we shipped the Composit hose for a large-scale project in Poland which entails building of a canal that will connect the Baltic Sea with the Zalew Wislany. The pipeline branch consists of 8 sections, the first is the so-called «rubber», which allows to ensure more manoeuvrability.

For our client, the construction of the  Zalew Wislany is strategically important, as its further implementation will allow ships to pass the bay directly, saving 100 km of track. The investment in this project was over 880 million dollars. Composit has fulfilled its commitments, the products were delivered on time and immediately put into service.

The customer is fully satisfied with the quality of the delivered products. We wish to express gratitude to Przekop Mierzei Wiślanej for the opportunity to participate in such a big project and credibility of our company. We also thank Tom (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCExdqCJyE9vnLdYqZ_3mAiQ) for the video materials provided.